Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Bamboo Charcoal - It really works!

Not surprisingly, bamboo charcoal is created when bamboo stalks are burned at very high temperatures. The remaining charcoal is negatively ionized and very porous (much more so than regular wood charcoal). This product has been used for centuries in China and is becoming evermore present elsewhere. 

Due to its negative ionization and porous nature, bamboo charcoal has many benefits:

- As air moves through the pores in the charcoal, it absorbs positively ionized harmful chemicals and substances from the air (i.e. radon, formaldehyde and other toxins)
- Similarly, if you drop a piece of bamboo charcoal into a glass of water and let it sit overnight, it will filter out chemicals and pollutants
- Along with reducing toxins in the air, odors are also absorbed
- Bamboo charcoal will also work to neutralize the humidity of the air, either taking in or releasing moisture
- These properties of bamboo charcoal can be re-activated again and again by placing the charcoal in sunshine for 4-6 hours every 6 months

If you are still skeptical, I found this site to be helpful: (

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